MagNet VideoBank Customer Due Diligence![]()
Welcome to a new dimension in financial services! Now you can easily do your due diligence online with just one click!

Why do we recommend our VideoBank Customer Due Diligence service? ![]()
Simple and fast
Takes only 15 minutes.
Available every weekday:
Monday to Thursday, from 8.00 AM to 05.00 PM, Friday from 8.00 AM to 04.00 PM.
Customer Due Diligence via VideoBank
Don't have time to visit a bank branch? You can conveniently re-identify yourself online in just minutes, from anywhere.
Steps for Customer Due Diligence through VideoBank
Login to VideoBank-
Login to VideoBank
In case you are not a Hungarian citizen, please have your valid passport and your Hungarian address card ready. Please note, that we can not provide any services via VideoBank without a valid passport and Hungarian address card. In case you are a Hungarian citizen, please have your Hungarian plastic ID card, and your Hungarian address card ready.
Start Video Identification
After clicking the "Start Video Identification" button, our system checks if VideoBank is open and if your device meets the technical requirements.
Waiting Room
You'll enter a waiting room until an agent connects with you. If the wait feels too long, you can request a callback.
Video Identification Process
When connected with an agent, the video identification begins. During the conversation, the agent will ask you to clearly show your identification documents to the camera. The conversation and the documents will be recorded with both audio and video.
What is required for Due Diligence through VideoBank? ![]()
In case you are not a Hungarian citizen: valid passport or valid plastic Hungarian ID card
Valid Hungarian address card
A device capable of video calls
(technical requirements apply)*
Related documents
Videóazonosítási és számlanyitási tájékoztatás
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Adatkezelési tájékoztató
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Terms and conditions
* The information is not exhaustive and does not constitute an offer, for detailed terms and conditions please visit any MagNet branch or consult the relevant regulations published on the website (Általános Üzleti Feltételek és Pénzforgalmi Üzletszabályzat), and Általános Hirdetményből , MagNet VideoBank Tájékoztatóból and Lakossági bankszámlák díjairól és jutalékairól szóló kondíciós listából. The Bank reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions.