Under the CDP programme, the Bank's ownership waives a portion of its taxable income each year and then entitles customers
to donate it to the social organisations participating. In a way that is unprecedented in our country, MagNet Bank's customers
have the opportunity to support causes that are important to them, from their own bank's profits.
Community Donation Programme – CDP![]()
The Community Giving Programme (CDP) is a social initiative that mobilises and engages the whole of our clientele, with the aim of creating positive change. Our customers can democratically decide which NGOs to support with a portion of the bank's profits. The results speak for themselves: since its beginning in 2010, more than HUF 420 million has been distributed to the NGO sector.

What is the essence of the CDP Programme?![]()
Giving is not necessarily a one-way action. You give, and you also receive. You help others to live a more fulfilling life, but it also has a positive impact on yours.
Good intention
It gives deeper meaning and purpose to what was thought to be plain, everyday banking.
Together with us, you can shape society and take the culture of giving to a new level in our country.
You will be part of a caring and mutually supportive community.
Taking action and accelerate change
You make it easier for civilians who can move forward in a headwind.
You have no control over everything in life. But when the chance arises, do you grab it, to have a positive impact on whatever presents itself? Here it is.
How the programme works![]()
Who can decide on the support?
You. By banking with us, you have the right to decide which NGOs or good causes we should support. Your share will be sent once a year to the intended recipient. So by being here and choosing us, you become part of something bigger.
Does it cost me anything?
Not measurable in HUF, at most it cost you minutes. Each year, as part of our community donation programme, our bank donates a portion of the previous year's after-tax profit. We ask you to take a few minutes each year to decide on your share.
Where does this money go?
It serves the work and objectives of NGOs that have been selected through a call for proposals. You can choose the one that is closest to your heart and we will give your share to it.
How can you dispose of the support?
The easiest way to do this is online, but if you don't have NetBank, you can also do it over the phone (+36 1 428 8888) or in person at one of our branches with the help of our advisors.
Have you been using the CDP for a long time?
We have good news for you! We'll increase the amount you can donate according to your activity, making you a key supporter of our social impact programme.
What do we gain?
Our customers' activism is the way we make the community work. We can build a better (shared) future, where you, and all your loved ones can live in a fairer and healthier social and physical environment.
A lot of little goes a long way! 
Don't miss out on this opportunity, as tens of thousands of small donations from our customers can add up to a final sum
that could be a game changer! Your participation counts! 

Community Donation is similar to the 1% of income tax in that the unallocated amount is not distributed. Don't let your share
go to waste!
Who is eligible for the Community Donation Programme?
The programme is open to social organisations with public benefit status. Each year we invite applications with the messages and objectives we are looking for.
The applicant must be a social organisation with public benefit status:
•association (except political parties, trade unions and mutual societies);
• foundation (except public foundation and party foundation); and
• a non-profit-making company,
• social cooperative.
Can an organisation apply without having an account with MagNet Bank?
Yes, you can participate in the competition, BUT! if your organisation is successfully selected as a beneficiary, you will need to open an account with MagNet Bank before signing a contract to receive the grant.
How can a public benefit organisation join the Community Donation Programme?
The programme starts with the call for proposals. In their application, applicant organisations describe their activities and the precise project objective for which they are applying for funding and submit their application via the website by the deadline specified in the call for proposals. The call for proposals and further information will be available in the current period.
What is the budget for the CDP?
The amount of the scheme varies each year, as each year the bank's ownership decides how much to give back to customers for provisioning, based on the previous year's profits.
How is it decided which organisations are included in the Community Donation Programme?
Submitted proposals will be evaluated in a first round by a panel of experts. Based on the resulting ranking, the best projects will be invited for a personal meeting and short presentation. The final shortlist of organisations/projects will then be selected. Main evaluation criteria:
• whether the project idea is relevant to the achievement of the professional objectives and the challenges of the given professional field;
• the implementation methodology presented is effective and of a high professional standard;
•whether the application includes a community of stakeholders and/or volunteers, even donors;
• what the communication elements of the project are;
• an evaluation element, outcome or impact measure is displayed.
What happens after a public benefit society organisation has won a tender?
The organisation will open a bank account with our Bank (if it has not already done so) and we will sign a cooperation agreement for the Community Giving Programme. Once you have received the grant (after the autumn pledging period) you can start implementing the project.
How long can the aid be used?
Funded organisations usually have about 1 year to use the money they receive.
How does the Bank present the social organisations on the CDP list to its customers?
During the 6 weeks of the Community Donation Programme campaign and disposition period, our Bank will make available to its customers both the main details of the social organisation's activities and a description of the projects to be implemented on its website and in NetBank. Based on the public information, our customers can decide which cooperation or project to support with their vote. In addition, the Bank is conducting an intensive social media communication campaign and supports customers in making their choices through its customer services and branches.
How can beneficiary organisations reach MagNet customers?
MagNet Bank helps you to reach your customers : with branding elements, direct communication, IT development and personalised outreach, so that you can run successful campaigns.
When do customers offer their share of the bank's support?
Depending on when the CDP donation starts, customers have a 6-week term to support good causes with the Bank's money. This usually takes place in the autumn around October-November.
How can customers dispose of their share of the profits?
MagNet's customers can offer their share of the bank's support online, primarily and most easily through their persona NetBank, once they have selected the organisation or cause they like. However, MagNet's customer service and branch staff can also help you by phone or in person.
When will the participating social organisation receive the donation?
The donation will be paid out to all beneficiary organisations a few days after the end of the provision period.
If are left with any unanswered questions, please contact impact@magnetbank.hu.