Our customers play the most important role in building our community. Find out how we reward their efforts! If you invite
someone you know to the bank and they open a bank account or sign up for a retail loan with us, we'll offer you and them the
following reward. You can then offer this reward to a social organisation of your choice.
Let's build a community! Referral Programme![]()
Introduce your friend to MagNet Bank and let's build our community together! When our new customers come to us through referrals from friends, acquaintances or family, it's a sign that we're on the right track to achieving our goals. And that's building a community of people who value MagNet Bank's values and believe in making responsible financial decisions.

Your referral is valuable
Altruistic recommendation is nice, but we want everyone to win by building community. As the saying goes, "A good turn deserves a good turn", so we reward you for spreading the word. You can claim your reward up to 10 times a year, and not just you, but your invited friends too.
Spread the word!![]()
Do you pride yourself on being responsible with your finances?
Financial awareness can be a big advantage. We give you the tools and involve (you) in the decision-making.
Does it matter to keep your money in an independent, privately owned bank?
If you don't want to buy strawberries from across the ocean, why not choose a bank that keeps the profits generated at home and reinvests them for the benefit of the local society?
Is it important to you that your bank is committed to social responsibility and sustainability?
We believe that every choice we make has an impact on the world we live in. Why should our finances be any different? We work to ensure that this impact has a positive precedent.
Would you like to contribute to building a value-based community?
If you think there is someone in your environment who needs to know about us: recommend us to them, and both of you will be rewarded!
How does it work?
Enter your space!
Log in to your Internet Banking (NetBank) account and look for Community Functions.
Check your referral code
Within the Community feature, select "Let's Build a community!". Check out your referral code and write it down.
Pass it on!
Simply share your referral code with people who would like to see us!
Monitor your referrals!
In case of a successful referral, we will credit the reward to your account or to the account of the social organisation of your choice.
Why choose MagNet Bank?
As a 100% Hungarian privately owned community bank, it is important for us to create the environmental and social values in
the world of money. We help you make responsible financial decisions and achieve significant social impact.
What is the essence of "Let's Building a Community" Programme?
As part of the campaign, our existing retail customers with a bank account (Referrer) can refer their friends (Invited). If our customer's friend opens a retail or business bank account or takes out a retail loan, we will reward them both.
Who can participate in the Programme
The referrer can be a natural person or a person who holds a live account at the time of the referral and has a NetBank service with MagNet Bank. Invitee can be any natural person or legal entity who has a retail, corporate or mortgage account with MagNet Bank during the promotion period and who was not a customer of the Bank prior to the account opening.
Who gets a reward and how do they qualify for it?
The reward for you and your friend depends on the product being recommended. If the condition of a successful referral is met, we will credit the reward to your account or to the account of the chosen social organisation and your friend.
How can I refer a friend?
Lépj be a NetBankba, és a Közösségi Funkciókon belül válaszd az "Építsünk Közösséget!" menüpontot. Miután regisztráltál, elküldjük az ajánlókódod emailben a kampány részleteivel, amit már csak továbbítanod kell ismerősödnek. Ha ismerősöd az ajánlókód felmutatásával bankszámlát nyit, vagy hitelszerződést köt a MagNet Banknál, és ezután teljesíti a sikeres ajánlás feltételét, jutalomban részesültök.
Where can I follow up my recommendations?
You can keep track of your offers in the NetBank interface under "Let's build a community". Here you can see if the referral was successful, which product your friend used and if the conditions for a successful referral were met.
When will the bonus be paid?
The condition for a successful recommendation is monitored on a monthly basis. Payment is made by the 10th bank working day of the month following the month in which the condition is met.
How many recommendations can I make?
The Referrer can make any number of referrals, but the reward is available for up to 10 successful referrals per calendar year. In contrast, all your friends will be rewarded.
Which products are covered by the campaign?
• Retail account: Csillag, Diamond, Házhozszámla, Merkúr (individual entrepreneur)
• Corporate account: Mars, Jupiter, Nap, Üstökös, Civil, Szféra, Házmester
• Residential mortgage loan
How can I donate my reward to a social organisation?
When you register, you can choose to have your reward paid into your own bank account or donate it to a social organisation of your choice.
Want to find out more?
For full details, see the Build a Community! Programme Terms and Conditions.
Kapcsolódó programok

Közösségi Adományozási Program – KAP
A Közösségi Adományozási Program (KAP) egy, a teljes ügyfélkört mozgósító és bevonó társadalmi kezdeményezés, mely azzal a céllal jött létre, hogy pozitív változást hozzon létre. Ügyfeleink demokratikus módon dönthetnek arról, hogy a banki nyereség egy részéből milyen civil szervezeteket támogassunk. Az eredmények magukért beszélnek, ugyanis a (13 éves) fennállása óta, több, mint 420 millió forint került szétosztásra a civil szektorban.

Becsületkasszás számlavezetés - a pénzed átlátható körforgása
Az ajtónk mindenki előtt nyitva áll. Ezért a MagNet Banknál a becsületkasszával a pénztárcádhoz igazíthatod a számlavezetési díjad. Ezzel Te magad dönthetsz arról, hogy milyen mértékben járulsz hozzá a működésünkhöz.

Közösségi betét és hitel
Összekötjük a kedveset a hasznossal. A megtakarításaidat a MagNet Bankban jó célok szolgálatába állíthatod, miközben Neked kamatoznak. Hitelesként pedig hiteldíj kedvezményben részesülhetsz az ügyfeleink közösségi megtakarításai után, így a pénztárcád is megtapasztalhatja a közösség erejét.